The Pandemic Has Radically Altered The Retail Sector. Learn More About The New Norm in Marketing.

Digital Marketing Trends in 2021 Are Radically New

27 Jan 2021
Digital Marketing Trends in 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically disrupted business processes and norms. The retail landscape has been altered leading the way towards new shopping habits and further digitization of services. All social and business interactions moved to virtual platforms and everything points in the direction of a long-term switch. And while these changes have debuted in 2020, somewhat under duress and panic, they have settled into a new normal with the new year.

With lockdowns renewed across the globe, people are spending more time than ever consuming online content. Therefore, a rethink of what was long considered the pillar of digital marketing has become a necessity.

A new landscape for marketers

Is content still king? Are adverts being created differently? How can we engage, and more importantly retain customers?

All these are questions that haunt the savvy marketer and entrepreneur in this new, unchartered pandemic world.

We explore the new digital marketing landscape and what trends to expect to cater to these unprecedented times.

The era of short videos

As you read this article, there’s a high likelihood that you are at home. And chances are, you have already watched everything the current Netflix catalog is offering. This is the case of millions of people around the world. And this long-term lockdown boredom has lead people to consume entertainment differently. Therefore, the use of social networks, as well as their purpose, has evolved. Internet users are turning to watching videos – and short ones at that – on online platforms to change moods and be distracted.

What can we expect?

Short, catchy, and light, is a fitting description for the type of videos users from all generations are looking for. That’s why businesses have shifted most of their marketing budget first towards online advertising and promotions, and second, towards the production of short-form videos. And while it sounds simple and quick to create, the process of coming up with quality and balanced content for a short video requires a lot of research and creativity. Businesses have 8 seconds to capture the attention of people, and 20 seconds to get the main message across. And this is not an easy feat.

Virtual window shopping… and sales

Even shopping has changed. Whether it is for groceries, clothes, accessories, appliances, or tech gadgets, people have moved their retail habits online. The switch means that traditional window shopping is also occurring online. The way people research brands and products is more in-depth, as e-commerce surges and more options become available for ordering and home delivery. Social media platforms have already accommodated shoppers and businesses by boosting their product catalogs and direct sales options.

What can we expect?

The expectations are that such integrations will continue to improve to fit more competitive online markets. In addition to video incorporations of products and direct purchases. Thus, brands should upscale their offerings, use their website and social media channels in the most creative ways. Just as they would apply visual merchandising techniques in a brick-and-mortar shop, so should their online shop be adapted. The trend moves towards further use of analytics and web traffic data to highlight their collections and products.

Targeting and privacy challenges

Along with the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), a flurry of data privacy laws are expected to be implemented. Background data collection is used to increase advertising efficiency and personalization. However, it is not well accepted in many countries and the industry is facing legal backlash over infringement of privacy rights. While most apps and platforms inform users of their intentions through terms and conditions that require consent, these are hardly ever thoroughly read.

What can we expect?

Therefore, the predictions are that the way data is tracked for targeting will soon change. This will affects tactics used in advertising campaigns, so marketers better be ready to refresh their playbooks.

Automation and efficient campaigns

There is growing pressure on digital marketing to replace all traditional marketing channels and provide an alternative to businesses for growth. And for itself, to grow in sophistication. Therefore, we anticipate a wider use of automation. The customer is now more demanding, and the touchpoints have multiplied and more varied than ever.

What can we expect?

That’s where attribution models and marketing automation platforms come in. In 2021 this technology will offer more features. It is the only way forwards for efficient marketing campaigns.

Deeply user-centric strategies

Today in digital marketing, it is all about personalization. And more personalization. So it is no surprise, that despite privacy issues, most online shoppers appreciate and effectively engage with personalized ads. While mass impersonal email campaigns are seeing high rates of unsubscriptions. The generic webpage is dead. And buried.

What can we expect?

If the content was tailored pre-2021, this year onwards, it is expected to be tailored-to-fit.

2021: the year to integrate innovations

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures. Digital marketing has evolved to meet the demands of businesses trying to adapt to the new normal. But it has also changed to meet the new needs of consumers. So, if innovations and the online world always seemed aloof to your business, this is the year to implement those integrations. 2021 is the year your business model revamps itself to survive in a bold new market.